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Chess Coaching


  • Eligibility 5+ Years
  • No. of Level 3
  • Duration As per student's grasping power
  • Skill level Beginner
  • Instruction Medium English
  • Student/Teacher Ratio 10:1
  • Materials Provided
Course Description

While playing chess, one continuously imagines the pieces on the board, his moves, and his opponent’s each possible counterstrike in his mind. Through this process, one’s concentration power increases. Also, the boost in concentration would naturally aid in enhancing the kid’s memory efficiency. We have realized that chess is the most efficient practical tool that can make your kid a true champion! Our expert chess professionals at Cardiff have devised the most organized Chess classes in Abu Dhabi where your kid will learn from the best!

Weighing the Benefits
  • Our orientation is towards inculcating a critical and logical bent of mind in the learner. At the end of the course, kids will be able to apply these logical abilities in their academic works as well.
  • We provide separate kit for each student to build their interest and make them comfortable.
  • Decision making is the foundational principle of the game of chess. A single bad move can alter the course of the game. At our institute, we encourage our students to use the analogy of chess in their real life. We make our students aware of the consequences of each decision in life and prepare them to analyze the possibilities and arrive at rational decisions.
  • Our chess experts follow unique teaching patterns to boost the IQ of the learners in such a way that each step the learner takes will be stored in his/her long-term memory and hence the process becomes automatic.
  • We make our students explain their moves using coordinates and we encourage them to write them down as well. This will have a huge positive impact on their reading abilities.