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Vacation Camps


  • Eligibility 5+ Years
  • No. of Level NA
  • Duration NA
  • Skill level NA
  • Instruction Medium English
  • Student/Teacher Ratio 10:1
  • Materials Provided
Summer Camp

Summer break is the time when kids make memories that they will cherish forever! Cardiff group is offering summer camps in the months of July and August to enhance their summer experience by making them indulge in wide-ranging activities like swimming, arts, cartooning, yoga, excursion, gardening, pottery, stage performance etc. We have devised a flexible camp that will take the kids out of their comfort zones which will teach them how to cope with and adapt to challenging circumstances. Along with making new friends, your kid will also discover their innate talents which can totally surprise you!

Vacation Camps for kids in Abudhabi
Winter Camp

We provide the best winter camp experience for kids in Abu Dhabi. The camp will be held during the months of December and January and our program would include exciting activities like snowboarding, field trips, gardening, karate, judo, arts, theatre performances etc. Our instructors would be focusing on individual preferences of the kids to help them realize and polish their strengths. Enroll your kids for this most interactive and exhilarating camp experience!

Spring Camp

Let your kids soar this spring break at Cardiff! Our camp is loaded with enthralling activities like swimming, yoga, karate, judo, collage making, cultural excursions, cartooning and many more that spark their creativity. We guarantee that your kid will gain a lot of agility, confidence and flexibility after attending the camp. Our expert panel of instructors will ensure that every single session is a novel experience for the kids along with inculcating important life skills like compassion, teamwork, cooperation, respect towards fellow beings and self-esteem. The camp will be held during the months of March and April.